Acknowledgements for contributions to this site
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I'd like to thank everyone who contributed information and pictures, images etc to the site.
Panoramic School photographs © Panora Ltd of Clerkenwell London.
Panora Ltd was dissolved in 1989, and we have been unable to locate any successors.
As such, we believe that Panora's copyright has probably lapsed. If you know otherwise,
please contact us ASAP so that we can rectify the situation
1933 Football Photo
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Steve Hind
- Daniela Briggs
- Bill Tabbernor
Wartime photos of the Moorland Road School - John Whitmore and the estate of Mr J A Collinson
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in these photo's:
- John Watts
- John Whitmore
- ? Burton
1944-46 Class Photo - Original scan provided by Malcolm Leese
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1948 Class 2b Photo - Original scan provided by John Street - Tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- John Street
- Chris Sutton
- R Ravenscroft
1946 Class 1a Cricket Photo - Original scan provided by Alan Carter
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1948 School Cricket Photo - Original scan provided by Alan Carter
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1948 Class Photo - Original scan provided by Peter Hales
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1948 Class 2a Photo - Original scan provided by Barry Hackwood - Tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Barry Hackwood
- Colin Allbutt
1950 Class Photo - Ray Bagnall
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Ray Bagnall
- Jim Dutton
- Derek J Handley
1950 Class 6A Photo - Derek J Handley
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1952 Class Photo - Gerry Machin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Arthur Cotton
- Gerry Machin
- Robert Nicklin
- Alan Walley
1953 Class 4S Photo - Original scan provided by Raymond Dean
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1954 Lower 5th Photo - Original scan provided by Raymond Dean
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Raymond Dean
- Eddie Powner
1954 Metal workshops
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in these photos:
1954 or 1957 Class Photo - Tony Chidlow
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Tony Chidlow
- Alan J Jones
1955 Lake District Photo's - Original scan provided by Alan J Jones - Tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Alan J Jones
- Bernard Adkins
1955 Football Team Photo's - Original scan provided by Frank Brown & Alan J Jones - Tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Frank Brown
- Alan J Jones
- David Jones
1955 House of Commons Photo - Original scan provided by Alan J Jones - Tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Harry Bailey
- Alan Hollinshead
- Alan J Jones
- David E Rawlins
1955 School Photo - Original provided by John K Bourne - Scan and tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Brian Adams
- Geoff Adams
- Ashley
- David Austin
- Ivor Austin
- Phil Austin
- Harry Bailey
- Tony Barrow
- Peter Bate
- John Baylay
- Brian Billington
- Michael Bird
- Peter Bloor
- John K Bourne
- Clive Brian
- Barry Bridgwood
- John Broad
- Alan Brodie
- Robert Brown
- Harry Burgess
- Terry Chell
- Tony Chidlow
- Paul Connelly
- Ewart Davies
- Raymond Dean
- Alan Evans
- Trevor Evans
- Barry French
- Barry Gidman
- Anthony Guest
- Ian Hallam
- Derek J Handley
- Alan Hollinshead
- Bernard Ibbs
- Terry Jenks
- Alan J Jones
- David Jones
- Norman Kempson
- Barrie Knapper
- Mike Knox
- Graham Lapper
- Michael Leighs
- Alan Lester
- Alan Matthews
- Kathleen Millington
- Lawrence Morris
- Geoff Mould
- Mike Myatt
- Michael J Noone
- Irene Perkin
- Graham Perry
- Malcolm Pierce
- Gerald Plant
- Tom Platt
- John Potts
- John H Powner
- David E Rawlins
- Graham Redman
- Michael Rhead
- Stuart Rushton
- Mike Sherratt
- Barry Simpson
- Tony Smith
- Bill Tabbernor
- Wilf Thorley
- Brian Walklet
- Malcolm Ward
- Brian Weston
- Geoffrey Wilkinson
- Tony Williams
- Tony Whalley
1956 Fifth Form Photo - Original provided by Keith Penny
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- David Austin
- Harry Bailey
- Alan Brodie
- Mike Knox
- Keith Penny
- John Powner
1956-7 Football Team Photo - Original from Geoff Austin - Tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1957 School Photo - Scan and tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Robert Adams
- Ivor Austin
- Frank Bateson
- John Baylay
- Keith Beech
- Brian Billington
- R Peter Bloor
- Keith Booth
- Cliff Bosson
- Mike Bradbury
- John Broad
- Alan Brodie
- Bob Brown
- David Burns
- Mike Capey
- Terry Chell
- Peter Cliffe
- James Don Clowes
- Paul Collis
- Wilf Deakin
- John Deaville
- Jim Dickson
- Alan Evans
- Trevor Evans
- John Evitts
- John Greasley
- Anthony Guest
- John Hampton
- Timothy Hassall
- Don Henshall
- Terry Hollins
- David Hood
- Chris Horrobin
- Terry Hughes
- David Hunt
- Adrian E Insull
- Peter Jackson
- Peter Johnson
- David Jones
- Tony Kaine
- Michael Landon
- Graham Lapper
- Tony Mansell
- Alan Matthews
- Lawrence Morris
- Les Morris
- Ian Nicholson
- John Palfreyman
- Alan Parkes
- Andrew Peet
- Graham Perry
- Debby Phillips
- Malcolm Pierce
- Gerald Plant
- Tom Platt
- David Pyatt
- Ray Reynolds
- Michael Rhead
- John Roberts
- David Routledge
- David Rowley
- Stuart Rushton
- David Salt
- John Sidley
- Tony Smith
- Robert Swindells
- Bill Tabbernor
- Derek Turner
- Jeff Unett
- Ken Warren
- Bernard Wight
- Geoffrey Wilkinson
- Pete Williams
- Frank Wright
- Malcolm Wright
- Graham Wood
- Ray Yates
1958 Photo's of the High Lane building work - from R. Peter Bloor
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1959-60 Under 15 Football team photo - from Albert Humphries
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1959 School Photo - Original provided by Derek Johnson - Scan and tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Ivor Austin
- Doug Baker
- Christopher Barker
- Mike Bayley
- Keith Beech
- Brian Billington
- Dave Bird
- R Peter Bloor
- Keith Booth
- Cliff Bosson
- Arthur Brough
- Robert Brown
- Basil Challinor
- Terry Chell
- Tony Clarke
- Paul Collis
- John Deaville
- Alan Evans
- Trevor Evans
- Mark Evitts
- G Hammersley
- John Hampton
- Jim Hancock
- Terry Hollins
- David Hood
- Chris Horrobin
- David Hunt
- Adrian E Insull
- Peter Jackson
- Michael Landon
- Rod Lane
- Peter Lockett
- Alan Matthews
- Alan Morris
- Les Morris
- Mike Myatt
- Michael Neate
- Ian Nicholson
- John Oakes
- Peter Palmer
- Steve Peake
- Debby Phillips
- Malcolm Pierce
- Graham Perry
- Gerald Plant
- Tom Platt
- Garth Ratcliffe
- Stuart Rigby
- Colin Roberts
- John Roberts
- David Routledge
- Mike Sherratt
- Martin Sidley
- Roy Stringer
- Peter Stonehewer
- Robert Swindells
- Bill Tabbernor
- Jeff Unett
- Ken Warren
- Dave Waters
- Geoffrey Wilkinson
- Pete Williams
- Brian Wood
- Graham Wood
- Frank Wright
- Malcolm Wright
- Ray Yates
- Graham Yelland
1960-61 Colts Football team photo - Ray Walters
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in these photos:
1960-61 First XI Football team photo - Cliff Bosson
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Cliff Bosson
- Barry George
- Ian Hallam
- Alan Matthews
1961-62 First XI Football team photo - Ray Walters
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in these photos:
1961 Stanley Pool photos - Ray Reynolds
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Ray Reynolds
- Trevor Billingham
1961 Drama photo - Cliff Bosson
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1961 School Photo - Scan by Derek Johnson & Chris Horrobin. Tagging by Chris Horrobin.
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Robert Adams
- Alan Austin
- David Bagguley
- Doug Baker
- David Bailey
- David Ball
- Simon Barclay
- Frank Barnett
- Jim Barnett
- Anthony Bickerton
- Brian Billington
- R Peter Bloor
- Cliff Bosson
- Tony Boulton
- John Bourne
- Mike Bradbury
- John Britton
- Arthur Brough
- Bob Brown
- Roger Burchell
- Paul Burgess
- Dave Carter
- Peter Cheadle
- John Clarke
- Tony Clarke
- Syd Clewlow
- David Cliffe
- Peter Cliffe
- Howard Colclough
- Paul Collis
- Arthur John Cornwell
- Allan Deakin
- Geoff Deakin
- Peter Deakin
- Tony Frost
- Chris Gee
- Graham Challinor
- Phil Grimshaw
- Russell Halfpenny
- Ian Hallam
- John Hampton
- Jim Hancock
- Geoff Harrison
- Don Henshall
- Winston Hollins
- Chris Horrobin
- Derek Hughes
- Phil Housley
- Peter Jackson
- Rod Lane
- Barry Leese
- Phil Lightfoot
- Ken Lownds
- Peter Lockett
- David Lovatt
- Neil Machin
- Rob Mackenzie
- Darren Mason
- Ian Massey
- Alan Matthews
- David Moore
- Stan Morrall
- Michael Myatt
- Neil Mifflin
- Michael Neate
- Ian Nicholson
- Malcolm Pierce
- Gerald Plant
- Tom Platt
- Anthony Poyser
- John Redfern
- Ray Reynolds
- Desney Richards
- Colin Roberts
- John Roberts
- David Routledge
- Ron Rowson
- Alan Salt
- Terry Shaw
- Mike Sherratt
- Vic Sherratt
- Martin Sidley
- John Skelding
- Nick Skinner
- John Skinner
- John Smith
- Trevor Stanyer
- Linda Steventon
- Bill Tabbernor
- Paul Thompson
- Jeff Unett
- Les Wallis
- Ray Walters
- Ken Warren
- Dave Waters
- Jeff Waszkiel
- Graham Wood
- Clifford Yates
- Graham Yelland
1962 Drama - Jim Hancock
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Jim Hancock
- Simon Barclay
1962 Upper Sixth Class - Jim Hancock
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Jim Hancock
- Brian Billington
- John Hampton
1962 Colts football team - Ray Walters
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1962 Drama - Duke in Darkness Peter Deakin and Dave Baggaley.
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Peter Deakin
- Dave Baggaley
1963 School Photo - Original provided by Tony Boulton - Scan and tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Andy Abbey
- Alan Austin
- Bill Austin
- Stephen Baddeley
- Frank Barnett
- Mike Bayley
- Ian Berrisford
- Anthony Bickerton
- Dave Bird
- Tony Boulton
- John Bourne
- Brian Bramley
- John Britton
- Philip Cannings
- Rob Cannings
- Dave Carter
- Peter Cheadle
- John Clarke
- Syd Clewlow
- David Cliffe
- Howard Colclough
- Paul Collis
- Robert Cook
- Stephen Copner
- Arthur John Cornwell
- David Cotton
- Peter Cotton
- Phil Deane
- Paul Durber
- Geoffrey Edwards
- Phil Evans
- Keith Fone
- Richard Gadd
- Dave Gallagher
- John Gilbert
- Alan Goostry
- Howard Graham
- Geoff Harrison
- Don Henshall
- John Holdcroft
- Terry Hollins
- Jon Holton
- Neil Hood
- Phil Housley
- Derek Hughes
- John Humphries
- Steve Jackson
- Trevor Jones
- Ray Joynson
- Paul Kelly
- Dave Key
- Howard Lakin
- Barry Leese
- Pete Leighs
- David Lightfoot
- Phil Lightfoot
- David Lovatt
- Neil Machin
- Rob Mackenzie
- Terence Mandley
- Ian Massey
- Peter Massey
- Peter Mawson
- Michael Meakin
- Terry Meigh
- Pete Mellor
- Neil Mifflin
- David Moore
- David Munden
- Michael Neate
- Ian Nicholson
- Philip Odell
- Dave Owen
- Kevin Phillips
- Malcolm Pierce
- Gerald Plant
- John Redfern
- Ray Reynolds
- Desney Richards
- Colin Roberts
- John Roberts
- Dave Rowley
- Ron Rowson
- David Sandall
- Terry Shaw
- Martin Sidley
- Roy Simpson
- John Skelding
- Michael Smolarz
- Keith Stanyer
- Linda Steventon
- Kevin Stretch
- Graham Swindail
- Phil Swindles
- David Walker
- Ken Warren
- Neville Washington
- Jeff Waszkiel
- Dave Waters
- Alan Whitmore
- Malcolm Willis
- Brian Wood
- Martin Wright
- Phil Wright
- Clifford Yates
- Jan Zablocki
1963 France School trip - Originals provided by Jon Holton and David Brassington
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- David Brassington
- John Britton
- David Heathcote
- Chris Horrobin
- Barry Leese
- Kevin Phillips
- Terry Shaw
- John Smith
1963-64 The Arts Upper Sixth - Peter Deakin
1964 Drama - Twelve Angry Men - David Walters
1965 School Photo - Original provided by Michael Bayley. Scan and tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Dave Abbots
- Terry Alcock
- Peter Aldersley
- Dave Amos
- Stephen Baddeley
- Peter Baker
- Mick Barlow
- Jim Barrow
- John Baverstock
- Mike Bayley
- Ian Berrisford
- Trevor Billingham
- Kevin Birt
- Steve Blakemore
- Tony Boulton
- Krn Brailsford
- Brian Bramley
- Paul Breeze
- John Britton
- Dave Carter
- Peter Cheadle
- Keith Chell
- John Clarke
- Alan Clarkson
- Howard Colclough
- John Cope
- David Dale
- Tony Davies
- John Dean
- Phil Deane
- Paul Durber
- Julian Eagles
- Mick Evans
- Keith Fone
- Philip Fone
- Mick Forrester
- Dave Gallagher
- Joe Gater
- Geoffrey Gibson
- Robert Gibson
- Chris Gotham
- Charles Gray
- Chris Hall
- George Hammersley
- Trevor Harley
- Geoff Harrison
- Roger Harvey
- Kevin Hendley
- Don Henshall
- Vian Higgins
- John Holdcroft
- Terry Hollins
- Jon Holton
- Neil Hood
- Chris Horrobin
- Derek Hughes
- John Humphries
- Pete Hussey
- S Jackson
- Steve Jackson
- David James
- Bob Jinks
- Peter Jones
- Trevor Jones
- Ron Joynson
- Jeffrey Norman Keen
- Paul Kelly
- Dave Key
- Howard Lakin
- Barry Leese
- Pete Leighs
- David Light
- David Lightfoot
- Phil Lightfoot
- Dave Lovatt
- Mark Lyttleton
- Terence Mandley
- Richard Marsh
- Ian Massey
- Michael Meakin
- Terry Meigh
- David (Fred) Meir
- Peter Mellor
- Paul Molyneaux
- Brian Morley
- David Munden
- Michael Neate
- Ian Nicholson
- Dave Owen
- Graham Owen
- Roy Pattison
- Gary Peake
- Rob Phillips
- Paul R. Plant
- Mick Powell
- Eric Potter
- Anthony Poyser
- George Pritchard
- John Randles
- Ray Reynolds
- Desney Richards
- Bill Rowley
- Kate Rushton
- John Ruszkowski
- Frank Salt
- Geoff Sambrook
- Terry Shaw
- Robert Shemilt
- Peter Shreyhane
- Martin Sidley
- Roy Simpson
- John Slater
- Bernard Smith
- Phil Spruce
- Keith Stanyer
- Trevor Stanyer
- Paul Stephan
- Linda Steventon
- Steve Stoddart
- Pete Stonehewer
- Kevin Stretch
- Graham Swindail
- Phil Swindles
- Paul Thomas
- Paul Thompson
- David Tinsley
- David Walker
- Alan Walters
- Roger Walters
- Jeff Ward
- Linda Ward
- Neville Washington
- Alan Whitmore
- David Williams
- Paul Willin
- Mick Womble
- Brian Wood
- Les Wootton
- Trevor Worrall
- Ray Wraxton
- Martin Wright
- Phil Wright
- Clifford Yates
- Peter Yates
1966 and 1967 VIth Form Photo's - Original scans provided by Dave Carter & John Bourne - Tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in these photo's:
- John Bourne
- Dave Carter
- Howard Colclough
- Phil Deane
- Geoff Harrison
- Neil Hood
- Chris Horrobin
- Pete Leighs
- Dave Lovatt
- Malcolm Ratcliffe
- Desney Richards
- Malcolm Rushton
- Terry Shaw
- Linda Steventon
- David Walker
1965/6 Class Photo - Derek Hughes
1966 Under-15 Football Team Photo - Original scan provided by Mick Barlow
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
1967 Under-15 Football Team Photo - Original scan provided by Roy & Terry Hollins
Thanks to the following people for help with information for this photo:
- David Farrar
- Roy Hollins
- Mark Hood
- Richard Marsh
1968 Drama - Arsenic and Old Lace - Eddie Embury
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Robert Bentley
- Tony Burgess
- Michael Dunleavy
- Eddie Embury
- Geoff Smith
1970 School Photo - Original provided by Mark Lyttleton. Scan and tagging by Chris Horrobin
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Mark Abbotts
- John Aitken
- William (Jock) Aitken
- Stephen Baggaley
- Dave Bailey
- Peter Baker
- Nick Banks
- Paul Barnes
- Paul Barrow
- Stephen Bateman
- Trevor Bennett
- David Bevan
- Steve Birch
- Ian Birkin
- Barry Blaize
- Philip Bown
- Bozzer
- Steve Bradbury
- Steve Bradshaw
- Ken Brailsford
- Paul Brian
- David Brindley
- Garry Brindley
- Mark Brundrett
- John Burton
- Chris Chadwick
- Geoff Chatterley
- Steve Chawner
- Phil Childs
- David Cogan
- Geoff Condliffe
- Ashley Connor
- Mike Connors
- Andrew Cook
- Howard Cope
- Malcolm Cope
- Martyn Copeland
- Tony Copestick
- Andy Dale
- Steven Docksey
- Kevin Davies
- Pete Davies
- Paul Dovey
- Richard Dovison
- Jeff Downes
- Michael Dunleavy
- Michael Ernest
- Michael Evans
- Keith Fone
- Peter Ford
- Mick Gater
- John Gilbert
- Steve Gray
- David Griffiths
- Steve Hall
- David Hammersley
- George Hammersley
- Neil Hammond
- David Hancock
- Paul J Hancock
- Barry Harnett
- Phillip Hayward
- Paul Heath
- Steve Hind
- Chris Hopwood
- Chris Horrobin
- Ian Hough
- Mark Hughes
- Peter Ibbs
- Keith James
- Mark Jones
- Peter Jones
- Teresa Jones
- John Justus
- Chris Keeling
- Nigel Keeling
- Andrew Key
- Kelvin Knapper
- Les Lamb
- Allan Lancett
- Steven Locker
- John Lockett
- Steve Lodey
- Peter Lythgoe
- Mark Lyttleton
- Steve Machin
- Mike Middleton
- John Millington
- Paul Molyneaux
- Rob Mould
- Gary Moult
- Bill Mountford
- Julian Morcinek
- Mike Myatt
- David Nixon
- Paul Oakes
- Paul O'Brien
- Kevin O'Keefe
- Chris Peake
- Steve Peake
- Jeff Pepper
- Keith Phillips
- Rob Phillips
- Steve Plant
- Lynn Powner
- Michael Poyser
- Derek P
- John Pugh
- Paul Pugh
- Tony Ratcliffe
- Harry Reeves
- Tony Steven Rhodes
- Ken Rowley
- David Rushton
- John Ruszkowski
- Steven Rylands
- Antonino Sanzeri
- Anthony Shaw
- Paul Shenton
- Russ Sherratt
- Barry Shufflebotham
- Dennis Smith
- Kevin Smith
- Philip Smith
- Stephen Smith
- Chris Snow
- Ken Spruce
- Peter Stanway
- Robert Stride
- Keith Stubbs
- Ian Taylor
- Phillip Thistleton
- Howard Thomas
- Ian Thomas
- Robert Thomas
- David Thorpe
- Rob Tunnicliff
- David Underwood
- Mick Wajdner
- David Walker
- Alan Walklett
- Dave Walsh
- Alan Walters
- Geoff Ward
- John Waterson
- John Wainwright
- Alf Werner
- Lindsay Whitehouse
- David Whittaker
- Bernard Wood
- Levison Wood
- Dave Woods
- Ray Wraxton
- David Wright
- David Vardy
- Ernest Vernon
1974 Basketball team photo - Rob Cutler
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in these photos:
1982 Commemorative Mug picture - Alan J Jones
1982 Reunion Photos - Peter Adams
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- Peter Adams
- David Owen
- Tom Rhodes
- Martin Wright
2002 Reunion Photos - to be added
Thanks to the following people for help with identifying names in this photo:
- R Peter Bloor
- Tony Boulton
- Rodney Lane
- Howard Lakin
- David Munden
- Kevin Phillips
2007 School Honour Board pictures - Alan J Jones
1960 Official Opening Programme - Chris Horrobin
Prize Day Programmes
- 1956 - Alan J. Jones
- 1957 - Alan J. Jones
- 1958 - Jim Hancock
- 1959 - Tony Burley
- 1961 - Cliff Bosson
- 1962 - Cliff Bosson
- 1962 - Keith Moran (Smith) - pristine original
- 1963 - Cliff Bosson
- 1964 - Chris Horrobin
- 1965 - ?
- 1967 - Dave Carter
- 1969 - David Bevan
School Magazines - (Contents appear at various places on the site)
- J. David Jones via Alan J Jones - 1954 - full scan image
- Wilf Thorley and Alan J Jones - 1955 - full scan B&W image
- John H Powner - 1955
- David Rawlins - 1956
- J.D Jones via Alan J Jones - 1956 - full scan image
- Keith Moran (Smith) - 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961 - full scan image
- Don Henshall - 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963
- Sorry - I have no idea but thanks! - 1961
- David Bailey - 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969
- Steve Hind - 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 - full scan image
Haywood Hospital Mural and Foundation Stone - Burslem Community Development Trust
School Roll Of Honour - Research by John Whitmore
Photo's of the Moorland Road School - Sent by John Whitmore, Howard Cope plus photo's by Mr Taylor and others
1958 Photo's of the High Lane building work - R. Peter Bloor
2007 Photos of the Moorland Road School - Alan J Jones
2007 Photos of the High Lane campus - Alan J Jones
1900s Postcards of Moorland Rd Hospital, Burslem Park etc - Don Henshall
1950 JTS Cap Badge - Ray Bagnall.
High Lane campus exterior 2001 onwards - Derek Johnson and John Whitmore
1961 STHS blazer badge - Dave Carter
1959 SCTS blazer badge - Chris Horrobin
1924-32 cartoons from a Portsmouth JTS - Chris Horrobin
1960's Photos of woodwork box and bowls - Chris Horrobin
2008 "Haywood Story Leaflet" - Don Henshall
"Technical Education Curriculum" article and pictures - Alan J Jones
Photo of High Lane Metal Workshop - STHS Facebook anonymous
Kelly’s Directories 1904 extract - Alan J Jones
Please let the
know if anyone has been missed from the above list of credits.
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