R S L E M 21st July, 1964. Dear Parents, You
will remember that at this time last year I wrote to you about standards of
dress and conduct in the school. I am pleased to be able to tell you that there
was an improvement in our standards and during the year the standards have been
maintained. We have had a few cases of
long hair, narrow trousers and cuban heels, but the vast majority of parents
evidently agree with the school’s standards. I
want to repeat my request for co-operation from all parents and to repeat my
warning of last year that boys will not be allowed to adopt standards which are
in bad taste and out of keeping with those of the school. Yours sincerely, W. POTTS HEADMASTER. STANFIELD TECHNICAL
school at 9,15 a.m. and 1.35 p.m. and proceed to form rooms. Registration takes
place in form rooms at 9.25 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. 2. In any change of
rooms during the day, except at 11 a.m., boys must proceed directly from room
to room. In fine weather there will be a break from 11.0 to 11.15 a.m. when all
boys, except prefects, must go outside. 3. Waste paper bins
must be used for all debris and every endeavour must be made to keep all rooms
and playgrounds neat and tidy. 4. Overalls must be
worn in workshops but not in any other part of the school nor when boys are
proceeding to and from school. 5. Boys must wear
the school uniform of black blazer with badge, dark trousers and a school tie.
If a cap is worn, it must be a school cap. 6. Every boy must
have his name in his cap, overcoat, scarf and school bag. 7. Whenever a boy is
absent from school, on his return he must bring a note or a doctor’s
certificate, explaining the absence. The note or certificate must be handed
personally by the boy on his return to his Form Master. (If the absence is
likely to be long, it saves much trouble if a note is sent to the school. ) 8. Boys at all times
must use the Haywood Road entrance. 9. Lunchtime
arrangements In wet weather, boys
may remain in the form room where they must settle down quietly. They must not
loiter in the corridors or cloakrooms. 10. Valuables must
not be left in pockets or bags in the cloakrooms. 11. Boys must use
the school buses whenever this is possible. They must queue orderly for these
buses in either the workshop corridor or the entrance hall and must not leave
the building until told by the master in charge. Prefects must travel on the
buses allotted to them and they are responsible for the behaviour on the buses.
Boys misbehaving on buses will be punished. 12. School uniform
must be worn for all school functions. 13. Parents and boys
are reminded that every boy is under the jurisdiction of the school from the
time he leaves home for school until he returns home. Boys misbehaving on the way to and from school will be deemed to
have broken the school rules and will be suitably punished. This includes
smoking by any boys of any age on the way to and from school. 14. ‘Detention’ will
be held on Mondays from 4.5 p.m. to 5.0 p.m. |