In July 1969 Harry Taylor retired and he was pleasantly surprised
by the retirement ceremony secretly organised on the penultimate day of the
Summer Term to mark the end of his distinguished teaching career.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to join the platform party which included guests Bill Potts, Cecil Howell and Eddie Thomas, all of whom had also retired by this time. Harry’s leaving present from the pupils was a swinging outdoor seat to relax on in the garden of his bungalow at Baldwins Gate. The staff presented him with a set of Power Tools and my photograph shows Harry and his wife receiving a celebratory cake baked by the catering staff.
Later in his retirement Harry and his wife moved from Baldwins Gate, near Whitmore, to Richmond in North Yorkshire in order to live near their daughter. Harry Taylor died on February 5th 1997.
R. Peter Bloor. May 2013
(SCTS. 1953-1960)