SCTS Review 1955

The front cover is coloured paper rather than the later textured cardboard

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This is a text transcript of Wilf Thorley's 1955 "Review" school magazine.
(The coloured cover is from John Powner's copy)

It has been reproduced in full as an evocation of the zeitgeist of the SCTS pupils' world of 50 years ago. The typeface, layout, punctuation, and (mis)spellings have been reproduced where possible. However the line lengths are dependent on each browser's vagaries

The tables need more polishing. If anyone needs a plain text version then please ask the Webmaster .

The scanned image of the original went all round the Wrekin, or more precisely, via Alan J Jones in Australia.






The Review


December, 1955                No. 2




John Westlake Ltd

Caxton Press







THE REVIEW               The Stanfield County Technical School


December, 1955                                                                 No. 2




SINCE the publication of our last issue the School has had a year of consolidation.  Our first intake of 11-year-old boys which entered the School in 1951 has now reached the Fifth Form and will be taking the General Certificate in July.


            The Sixth Form has grown in numbers and the school has now a useful reserve of older boys to serve as prefects and officers of School societies.


            In November, Mr. F. E. Taylor left us to take up an appointment at Bradeley School.  Mr. Taylor's interests in local history and topography have been at the service of the School and both staff and boys have enjoyed the many school journeys which he has organised.  We wish him every success in his new school.


            As the G.C.E examinations were concluded, a party of 6th and 5th formers visited Old Trafford to see the second day's play of the Test Match in July.  The teams could not have arranged things better for us.  We saw our English bowlers in action, we saw McGlew batting and we saw almost five hours of England's innings.  Among the impressions left are the ineptitude of our opening pair, the mastery of May and Compton and the fielding of the South Africans.  This last was a lesson to our School cricketers who saw first-class cricketers eagerly sprint 200 yards to reduce an almost certain 4 runs to 3.


            Limitations of space have compelled us to omit an account of the extremely enjoyable and informative school journey to Morecambe and Grasmere, organised by Mr. F. E. Taylor, and an account of a short hostelling trip of a small party of older boys in the Lake District during the November half-term break.


            The cataracts and hurricanoes which accompanied the University play at Keele seemed better fitted for "Lear" than "Midsummer Night's Dream."  Nevertheless the School party was delighted with the performance.  If we may discriminate we should like especially to thank Puck, Bottom, and a really breath-taking Titania.




            We found the Mitchell Memorial Lecture by Sir John Cockcroft on "Atomic power for Industrial Purpose" and the Faraday Lecture on the "Applications of Electricity," most stimulating.


            We are glad to publish a few articles from our much travelled 1st formers but we must again comment on the absence of articles of a technical nature.



            The Prefects for this year are : N. H. Jones (Senior Prefect), H. M. Ball, F. J. Brown, K. F. Clarke, A. J. Jones, D. J. Jones, P. G. Walwyn, D. E. Rawlins, M. D. Sherwin, D. J. Taylor, N. J. Velnoweth, J. S. Williams.


SCHOOL LIBRARY :----Librarians : A. J. Jones & N. H. Jones

            Recent additions :----Modern Foundry Practice (Ed. E. D. Howard);  English Furniture Styles;  Semi-micro Methods of Analysis (Holness);  The Forseeable Future (Sir George Thomson);  Illustrated History of Science (Sherwood Taylor);  Electronics (A. W. Keen);  The Chemistry of Life (J. S. D. Bacon);  A Few Late Chrysanthemums (J. Betjeman);  Elton's Survey of Great Britain (W. Smith);  Concise History of Mathematics (Struik);  The Story of Art (E. H. Gombrich);  First Four Minutes (R. Bannister);  Tomorrow is Already Here (R. Jungk).



L O O K I N G     B A C K




            Prize Distribution was held this year on Wednesday evening, March 2nd, in the Queen's Hall, Burslem, before an audience of about 800, boys and parents.


            The Lord Mayor (Alderman Mrs. A. L. Barker, J.P.), took the chair and she was accompanied by the Lady Mayoress (Alderman Mrs. B. E. Meakin) and the Vice-Chairman of the Education Committee (Councillor J. L. Boon).  Our visiting speaker was Mr. R. A. Banks, Director of Personnel for Messrs. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.


            The Lord Mayor, in introducing Mr. Banks, said that the Education Committee and the administrative officials were doing their utmost to see that the needs of technical education were being met.




            Mr. Banks stressed that industry needed well educated entrants who must not be too narrow in their outlook.  The higher up the industrial ladder they progressed the more important this became.  Industry was changing more rapidly than at any time in its history, but we must not be mesmerised by the atom. "Spare a thought for the molecule" said Mr. Banks, "and remember that man matters more than atomic weapons."


            Mr. Banks presented the General Certificate of Education Certificates and the book prizes, and the Lady Mayoress presented the House Cups.  The School choir, conducted by Mr. Keeling, sang as nobly as in former years.





            On Friday, February 4th, we were visited by a party which included the Lord Mayor (Alderman Mrs. A. L. Barker), Alderman Mrs. H. Slater, (M.P. for Stoke-on-Trent North) and Mr. D. Vosper,  M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education).  Mr. Vosper, after looking round the school, was most sympathetic in his remarks about our difficulties.  He said that he hoped the Authority would include the New School on the High Lane site when they submitted their proposals for the 1956-57 building programme, because they at the Ministry did see the need and desirability for secondary technical education in Stoke-on-Trent.  Needless to say, we are looking forward with hope to the year 1956-57.





            This year's carol service was held just before this issue went to press.


            The service was again held at St. Werburgh's Church by kind permission of the Vicar, the Rev. Ward-Davies.


            The Lord Mayor was unable to accept our invitation, but we were very pleased to have the company of the Lady Mayoress, Mrs. H. Naylor.





            An analysis of the year's examination results shows that 45 boys took the examination in 254 papers.  This gives an average of 5.6 subjects per boy.  The total number of passes was 170, which gives us an overall percentage pass of 67 per cent.


            The detailed results were as follows, figures in brackets indicating the number of passes obtained.




Ordinary level

Form 6     :  J. L. Baker (1), A. R. Eardley (4), B. Jones (2), N. H. jones (2), F. G. Mountford (2), H. Slann (2), J. S. Williams (2).


Form 5A  :  H. M. Ball (5), F. J. Brown (4), C. H. Carp (6), H. K. Chesters (4), P. Connelly (5), B. W. Davies (3), B. Gibson (5), M. F. Grainger (3), J. B. Harvey (5), A. J. Jones (5), D. H. Jones (3), K. Knapper (1), R. Mansell (6), M. Noone (7), B. Powell (6), D. E. Rawlins (7), G. Roberts (4), A. J. Rushton (3), W. A. Stanway (4), D.  J. Taylor (4), W. T. Thorley (5), N. Velnoweth (4).


Form 5B  :  D. W. Austin (1), G. H. barlow (1), M. K. Boxall (2), K. Clarke (2), G. Colclough (2), J. D Jones (5), D. W. Large (5), J. N. Lockett (3), H. G. Long (5), J. McKendrick (2), G. M. Millington (5), K. D. Ratcliffe (6), K. W. Rowley (2), M. D. Sherwin (2), G. Smith (4), P. G. Walwyn (3).


Advanced Level

            A. R. Eardley (1), B. Jones (1), C. H. Carp (1), B. Gibson (1), A. J. Jones (1), W. T. Thorley (1).





            Tipping, not the threepence under the plate variety, but the depositing of refuse has been one of our main concerns in sport during the past year.  The wheels of destiny are supposed to move slowly but the wheels of refuse carts appear to move even more slowly if judged by the rate of progress of our playing field.


            However, in spite of our undeveloped field, we have managed to carry on with most of our activities.




            There was a great improvement in the standard of play all round. The team relied less on the efforts of individual players and became a more all-round team.  The batting was sounder, being strengthened by the addition of two players of good promise, Grund and Broad.  I am glad to report that they will be with us next season.  The bowling relied perhaps too much on the efforts of Grainger and Bootherstone, who were both overworked.  The fielding, although not perfect, was greatly improved.





            We are sorry to report that Grainger will not be with us next season.  It was mainly due to his efforts as captain that we were so successful. He has served the School for three seasons, both as bowler and batsman, and we take this chance of thanking him for his efforts.


            Prospects seem good for next season but we are still without a ground of our own, and this makes it difficult to obtain fixtures.


Results :----

Wolstanton G.S. 105, Stanfield 86; Stafford King Edwards 28, Stanfield 29 (for one wicket) : Stanfield 101 (for 6), Newcastle High 20; Crewe G.S. 64, Stanfield 47.


            Our 2nd XI played 3 matches, losing 2 and winning 1.

Stanfield 61, Wolstanton G.S. 21; Hanley High 62, Stanfield 18; Stanfield 32, Hanley High 97 (for 8).

G. Barlow    



            The annual Athletics meeting was held on the Norton Cricket Club ground on July 5th.


            There were many exciting finishes.  The mile race in particular was well run and Ratcliffe scored a great victory over A. J. Jones, a strong second, who came in third the year before.


            We owe our thanks once again to the Norton Cricket Club for allowing us the use of their ground.

Results :----                          1st                   2nd                  3rd

100 yds.  (Junior)       Dean                Beardmore      Webb

100 yds.  (Inter)         Steele              Buckler            Jones

100 yds.  (Senior)       Thorley            Carp                Wilson

880 yds.  (Inter)         Cliffe               Collins             Smith

880 yds.  (Senior)       Bentley            Barber             Rhead

440 yds.  (Inter)         Collins             Cliffe               Smith

440 yds.  (Senior)       Bailey              Bentley            Brown

220 yds.  (Junior)       Dean                Austin             Jackson

220 yds.  (Inter)         Buckler            Brunt               Dooley

220 yds.  (Senior)       Wilson             Kaine               Powner

Mile                             Ratcliffe          Jones               Bentley

Javelin  (Inter)            Jones               Steele              Austin

Javelin  (Senior)         Colclough        Povey              Burgess

Cricket Ball (Junior)    Smith               Chetwyn         Dowd

Shot  (Inter)               Tunstall           Barton             Dooley

Shot  (Senior)             Pointon            Povey              Jones

High Jump  (Junior)   Dean                Bateson           Ward

High Jump  (Inter)     Luton              Toole               Buckler

High Jump  (Senior)   Barlow            Thorley            Colclough

Long Jump  (Junior)   Dean                Beardmore      Morris

Long Jump  (Inter)     Steele              Buckler            Brunt

Long Jump  (Senior)  Thorley            Wilson             Slann

Relay  (Junior)            South               West                North

Relay  (Inter)              South               West                North

Relay  (Senior)           South               West                North





Points gained were as follows  :

                        North               South               East                 West

Junior                  5                   13                    4                  20

Inter                  26                      1                  21                  12

Senior                12                    21                   14                  19

Total                  43                    35                   39                  51

                   West was again Champion House




            The cross country meeting this year was held on a fine Saturday morning in March, on a course made heavy by recent rain. The Intermediates and Juniors turned out in strength, but, once again, the Senior turn-out was most disappointing.


Results  :----

Senior  : 1 Rathcliffe (North), 2 Grainger (East), 3 Robinson (South), 4 Baker (East).

1 East; 2 West; 3 North; 4 South.

Intermediate  : 1 Cliffe (West), 2 Collins (North), 3 Bamford (East), 4 Cartlidge (East)

1 North; 2 South; 3 West; 4 East.

Junior  : 1 Austin (South), 2 Davies (East), 3 Smith (North), 4 Deaville (West).

1 East; 2 West; 3 South; 4 North.

Final Placings  :----1 East; 2 West; 3 North; 4 South.





FIRST ELEVEN----1955-56


            The School 1st XI has to date played 6 matches, winning 4 and losing 2.  The last match of this term, against the Technical College at home, has had to be cancelled since all the seniors will be engaged on the Christmas Post.


            The team has always played hard, clean football and has tried to play good football even under adverse conditions.  With a fuller fixture list they would get to know one another's play better, and function better as a team.  Every effort is being made to expand the present fixture list.


            The forwards combine well, but have been a little goal shy.  The defence has been solid, but rather slow to cover and recover in some cases.


Results  :----

market Drayton G.S. (away) Won 2-0; Market Drayton G.S. (home) Won 4-1; N. staffs Tech. College (away) Won 7-5; Hanley High School (away) Lost 1-2; R.O.F. Swynnerton (home) Won 2-1; Crewe G.S. (away) Lost 2-9.              G.G.




UNDER 15 XI----1954-55


            The under-15 team enjoyed a very successful season. having only one goal scored against them.  They won all their Burslem League games, thus gaining the League Shield, and they added to this the League Cup.


            In their last game of the season, in the final of the "Daily Dispatch" Shield at Ivy House, the opponents were Tunstall High Street.  This game was in doubt until the final whistle and provided considerable excitement and not a little anxiety for our supporters.  It was in this game that Berks, for the first time in the season had the doubtful distinction of picking the ball from the back of his own net.  We eventually finished the winners by 2-1.


            The team was so well combined that it would be difficult to select anyone for special mention.  Indeed of the team to represent Burslem which reached the semi-final of the Leckie Shield, to be defeated by Wolverhampton, 10 players came from Stanfields.  In addition, Derricott, Powner, Owen and Bailey represented the School in the City football team.


Results  :----   P                    W                    F                      A

                        16                    16                    87                    1






            The annual gala was held in the Burslem baths in the last week of the Summer term.


            In the Senior events, East House came first with a slight lead over West.  Millington, of East was, as in previous years, the outstanding swimmer, but thanks to some fine efforts by Cliffe and a good plunge by Slann, there was little between the two houses, East and West, in the end.


            North and South did little in the Senior events, but their Juniors look very promising.  North won the Junior championship with Calvert swimming well, and West were second, with Eardley swimming well.


            On total points gained, West House gained the first position and became House Champions for Swimming for 1955.




            The swimming tests were held in the last week of term for leavers and in September for non-leavers.  The major awards were as follows :


First Class Swimmer's Badge and Proficiency Certificate  :----

MacIver, Butler, Bentley S., Knight, Morgan W., Ruscoe, Tellwright, Adkins, Cliffe, Davies, Ibbs, Pearsall, Morton, Rhead M.


Proficiency Certificate  :----Bamford, Jones A., Autin P., French, Hancock K., Lawton A., Sheldon, Snape, Rigby G. H., Adams B., Bate, Kinrade, Baskeyfield, Lovatt P.





            This term's sport has been organised in 4 divisions instead of 2 as previously.  The object of this was to give the younger boys a better chance of participating in house activities.


            Swimming, Athletics and Cross-country are dealt with earlier in this issue.  In the Summer a house knock-out cricket competition was organsised in which innings were limited to a maximum of 25 overs.  The competition provided some exciting finishes, even if the standard of play was not very high.  In the Senior final South defeated West in the last over, having one wicket to fall.  South also won the Junior competition.


The House points for the year are shown below  :----


                                    North   South   East     West

Football (Junior)          2½        4         1         2½

Football (Senior)         2           1         4         3

Cricket (Junior)           1½        4         3         1½

Cricket (Senior)           1½        4         1½      3

Cross-Country (Jnr.)   1           2         4         3                               

Cross-Country (Inter) 4           3         1         2

Cross-Country (Snr.)   2           1         4         3

Athletics (Junior)        2           3         1         4

Athletics (Inter)          4           1         3         2

Athletics (Senior)        1           4         2         3

Swimming (Junior)      1           2         4         3

Swimming (Senior)     4           2         1         3


Total                            26½     31       29½    33


With 33 points West House became the Champion House for the 5th year in succession.






            Although the House failed to obtain a prominent position in the final table of results, there was plenty of interest in the various sections of sport throughout the year.


            The Senior Cricket XI did not have much success during the Summer.  The team was eliminated in the 1st round of the knock-out competition by South House, the eventual winners.  Unfortunately, the Juniors did no better and cricket turned out to be our worst performance in the year.


            The annual cross-country run was held as usual on the route near the High Lane building.  In this event the house intermediate runners put up a good perfomance to win in their section.  The Juniors, however, failed to maintain this good form and finished at the foot of the table.  The Senior runners in spite of a poor turn out, managed to gain 2 points and finished in the 3rd position.


            In the Swimming Gala, the Juniors did very well, collecting 23 points and winning their section.  The Seniors however failed to achieve any success and finished in the last position of the table.


            There was a great deal of interest in the Athletics meeting in the Summer term and a certain amount of success.  North House Juniors had their share of the goals, scoring 5 in 3 matches but they conceded the same number of goals and played 3 drawn games.  The Seniors started well by beating South by 2 clear goals.  This form was not maintained however and they lost their other 2 matches.  Although the final placings did not look so good, taking everything into consideration, the house had done quite well.


            From the year's sport, North House had collected 26½ points, which when compared with other Houses, does not look too good.  Nevertheless, the House had shown itself to be strong in some departments, and we cannot complain.


J. Oakes    






            Once again the results of the inter-house competition show that we have had a fairly successful year.  We finished 2nd to west House, whom we hope to displace at the end of the year.  to show our versatility, we won the cricket knock-out competition, beating both East and West in close games.


            Our position in the football competition, joint 2nd and half-a-point behind West, was not perhaps our aim but we were consoled by the fact that our Juniors were 1st in their section and this promises well for the future.


            In the Athletics meeting our performance did not disgrace us.  The Seniors, after a fine display of team work, took first place.  This was a most pleasing victory as no individual stood out, showing that it had been a House effort, and not, as in the past, the effort of a few old faithfuls.  In the swimming gala and the cross-country competition we were not so successful, but we do not despair about these.


            The new system will be to our advantage and the Juniors, who show great promise, make the future appear quite bright.  We feel that we are on the threshold of success and our esprit de corps acquired of late will carry us to victory.


N. H. Jones     




            This year has not been a particularly successful year for us as we have been pipped on the post in several sections of the House competition.


            The cross-country cup was the only one we won and this was mainly due to the running of Ratcliffe, Grainger, Bamford and Davies.


            In the swimming gala we were runners-up to West, for although Millington built up a large lead for the Seniors, the Juniors could only manage a few points and this enabled West to beat us.


            In cricket and athletics we did not do as well as we expected, only Thorley and Steele winning events in athletics and in the cricket knock-out we lost our first match.


            This year we are leading in the football competition and have games in hand.  We are determined to keep up this form and win at least one more cup before the end of the year.


            The successes of the year have all been gained by the Seniors and it is about time that the Juniors showed that the future is in safe keeping.


J. S. Williams     





            West had a successful year, gaining the House Championship.  We were first in Athletics, second in football, Cricket and Swimming.


            The current football competition is going well for us in the Senior and 2 Junior divisions, but our intermediates have lost both their matches.


            This year we may lose Dean, Cliffe, Powner and Derricott.  These boys have served the House well, especially in football.  Although automatic choices for the school team for the last two years they have always been keen to help the House even in practice games.


            A. J. Jones ran a good mile at the Athletics meeting to come in 2nd.  This strong runner will be with us for at least 2 more Athletics meetings.


F. Brown     


S O C I E T Y    N E W  S




            At the first meeting this term the following officers were elected  :----Senior Vice-President  :  Mr. J. E. Baileff;  Chairman  :  A. J. Jones;  Vice-Chairman  :  N. H. Jones;  Secretary  : D. E. Rawlins;  Subscriptions Secretary  :  F. Brown;  Treasurer  :  Mr. J. Beresford.


            The year has been a full one as far as lectures, films and visits are concerned.  Our attendance has improved this year but we would like to have our present strength doubled before the end of the present session.  More 4th and 5th Formers would be welcomed, for the Society offers that opportunity for self expression which is so invaluable in life.  The quality of the lectures this year has been higher than last year and we hope that this standard will continue to improve.  In the Autumn we celebrated the 50th lecture since the Society was re-started in 1951.


            During the Spring Term the following lectures were given  :----

First Aid  :  B. Gibson;  Britain's Atomic Factories  :  D. E. Rawlins;  The History and Development of the Jet Engine  :  H. Ball;  Semi-micro Analysis  :  Mr. J. E. Baileff;  Coal and its Derivatives  :  F. Brown.


            The autumn Term lectures were as follows  :----

Natural Rubber and its Uses  :  A. J. Jones;  Tobacco, its growth and manufacture  :  N. H. Jones;  Astronomy  :  H. Ball;  Polarized Light  :  G. Mould;  Timber Conversion  :  D. Wilson.


            During the Summer months (when the Society relaxes to allow for hectic G.C.E. swotting) a party of members visited a well known glassworks at Stone.






            The local branch of the Association has had a memorable year of meetings of various types connected with the world of today.  As in former years, each meeting has begun with tea at one of the local Grammar Schools and we look forward to the time when we can return the hospitality we have so far enjoyed.  Our 5th and 6th Forms have kept up a good attendance at all the meetings, and Slann and Rawlins have been our representatives at the Council Committee meetings.


            In January we were the guests of Wolstanton Grammer School, when a quiz was held on general knowledge.  Slann was our representative and he did well for us.


            The April meeting at Hanley consisted of a series of motions proposed and seconded by members of the various schools.  In May we had an address on the ever topical subject of the political ideology of Russia.  The meeting took place at Brownhills High Schoool and the speaker was Professor Stewart, of Keele.


            In July an afternoon meeting was arranged, and we were entertained by the Girls' High School at Abbots Bromley.  Professor Teal gave a talk on Moral Judgement and a most interesting discussion followed.  After tea, cricket and tennis matches took place.


            This term opened as usual with a September meeting at Longton High School where a balloon debate was followed by a social evening.  Over 300 members had a most enjoyable evening.  The last meeting which we can report was the October one which took place at Thistley Hough, when a visitor from the United States gave us a most entertaining talk on American domestic life.


            Half way through the Autumn term Mr. F. E. Taylor left the school to take up another teaching post.  He was at one time general secretary of the North Staffordshire branch of the C.E.W.C. and he started the school section of the association.  We hope that we shall see him at some of the meetings.


            A. J. Jones and D. E. Rawlins are attending the Christmas Holiday Lectures in London this term and we hope to report on that in our next issue.


D. E. Rawlins, Hon. Secretary     






            The Hobbies Club was inaugurated on 7th March, 1955.  Its predecessor was the Model Club which was formed in 1935, but it will be appreciated that the new club covers a much wider field of interests than the old club.


            At the meetings which are held on the Wednesday of every second week, lectures are given by members dealing with their hobbies, the majority of which are of a scientific nature.  The enthusiasm shown by members is encouraging and we extend a hearty invitation to others, who we feel sure, would find the lectures both interesting and instructive.


            The lectures arranged for the present term are  :----

Electric Motors  :  Mr. Howell;  Microscopy  :  G. Mould;  High Frequency Currents  :  Mr. Howell;  Fishing  :  P. Colclough;  Petrol Engines  :  Mr. Howell.


            Members would like to take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to Mr. Howell, who gives his time and encouragement to the club.


            A late development in the Club is the Hobbies Competition to be held early in January.  All boys in the school will be eligible to enter, and there will be individual prizes and House points will also be awarded.  It is expected that there will be so many entries that we shall be able to stage a school exhibition.


B. Adkins, Secretary     




            The School's Stamp Club is open to all boys of the school who are interested in the fascinating hobby philately.  It meets each day 6, in room 1 at Moorland Road, to discuss the various aspects of the hobby which confront every collector.  For a small subscription of 1d. per week, which helps to pay for the prizes awarded in the annual competition, a small but adequate library of stamp catalogues and magazines is available free of charge.  The collections of some of the other members can be seen, as well as Mr. Mountford's extensive collection, a volume which he brings to each meeting.  So why not come along to the next meeting where you will find friendly advice and interest?


G. Davies, Secretary     






            The Fifth Form Club made its first appearance on the list of societies and clubs of the school 12 months ago.  The 1st meeting of the present school year was held in October, when the following officers were appointed  :----

Secretary  :  B. Adkins;  Committee  :  G. Mould,  A. Hordell,  F. Foskett,  G. Johnson,  D. Bentley.


            The secretary and committee were given the responsibility of arranging a programme for the Winter, and it was decided that meetings should be held on Day 1 of every 2nd week, either at lunch-time, or immediately after school in the afternoon.


            The 1st meeting took the form of a panel game entitled "The name's the same"----a similar title to that adopted by a well known organisation of rather less intellectual ability.  As we see no reason for advertising it however, it shall remain nameless.  Among some of the ingenious names with which the panel was tortured, were Molly Quule, Stan Fields and Dolly Tub.


            At the next lunch-time meeting it was suggested that a school dance should be held.  This was at once unanimously decided upon and the date fixed was December 16th.   But after thoroughly considering the matter, it was resolved that a Fifth Form party would be more suitable, with dancing as the main activity.  As part of the preparation, especially for those who were unable to dance, dancing classes have been held under the guidance of the maestro himself, A. Brodie.


            Another session was devoted to the art of debating.  The topic was "The Flying Saucer," and the arguments ranged from Ancient Peru to the reliability of the modern aircraft pilot.  Perhaps the most interesting part of this meeting took place off stage in the kitchen where where the correct method of brewing tea was scientifically discussed.  Maybe A. Hordell could be persuaded to explain his unorthodox method of brewing tea, to the Science Society ? In the meantime, the Fifth Form Club will insist on the tea being brewed in the orthodox manner.


            Last year a discussion on "Classical Music versus Modern Music" held the club enthralled for a record length of time.  At a later meeting the contestants played gramophone records to emphasise their arguments.  It is proposed to hold a similar discussion on December 13th, and there is reason to believe that it will be as successful as last year's meeting.




            It is proposed to hold a stump speech session next term which we hope will bring to light some of our unsuspected orators.  The greatest task of the society is getting people to talk at our meetings.  Talking in public is a very desirable attribute which every Fifth Former should possess

Stop Press.---The party took place and was a resounding success.  Although some of the dancing was not a' la Sylvester, everybody thoroughly enjoyed herself or himself.


B. Adkins     




            At 1 o'clock on the morning of Thursday, 21st April, 1955, 14 boys and 2 masters made their way through the sleeping city to Stoke Station.  From here we were to begin our journey to London.  On the arrival of the train we stepped from the murky platform through a cloud of steam and into the 1st carriage.  With 2 friends I settled in a compartment.  Here for 5 hours we lay along the seat kicking each other, in vain efforts to sleep.  At 5 o'clock we were roused by the dawn and the smell of  London in our nostrils.


            Now began our 3 hour walking tour of the city.  We passed through Russell Square where the vegetation seemed more advanced than ours and on to the main block of the London University.  After passing other places of varied interest we reached the Covent Garden Market.  Here, great activity was taking place and our presence---although one of our party wheeled a barrow for a real barrow boy---was not welcomed.  The Victoria Embankment was later reached when we visited Cleopatra's Needle and watched the vapour rising from the Thames.


            A most interesting place was Fleet Street, where on the first day after the newspaper strike, we saw the centre of the "Newspaper World."  The "Cheshire Cheese Inn," famous for its connections with Dr. Johnson stands in an alley off Fleet street.  Mr. Potts showed himself conversant with this building and although the door was closed he gave us a short but an exhaustive description of the interior.  After more walking we came to the "Strand" and the "Corner House" where, in the presence of Mr. Herbet Morrison, we had a breakfast, which for all but the cautious was very costly.  Following our meal we fed the pigeons  in Trafalgar Square on smuggled food.  The crowds were now becoming dense and after 10 minutes of watching the natives, we discovered the way to cross a London thoroughfare.




            Westminster Abbey was reached after a short walk.  We left through St. Margaret's Churchyard and crossed the road to the Houses of Parliament where we were met by Mrs. Slater, M.P. for Stoke-on-Trent (North), who was to be our guide.


            Mrs. Slater took us in by the House of Lords and our route followed that taken by the Queen at the opening of Parliament.  The walls of the building were decorated with paintings portraying various historical events and from the walls of the Prince's Retiring Room, the wives of Henry VIII looked down.  After visiting innumerable lobbies, the chamber of the House was reached.  Here, as in the rest of the House of Lords, the upholstery was red with an embossed rose.  At one end of the Chamber, in front of the Throne on which the Monarch sits at the opening of Parliament, is the Woolsack, the seat of the Lord Chancellor.  In the middle stands a table holding, amongst other things, the Dispatch Boxes and along each side of the Chamber are the seats for the Lords.  A public gallery passes almost all round the walls, with one section reserved for the Press.  Wood panels, brass rails and three religious paintings add to the splendour of this Chamber.


            Mrs. Slater explained many of the customs of this House before we left for the Central Lobby.  Here the Lords meet the Commoners.  From this point onwards the signs of wealth were absent and the upholstery was green with an embossed portcullis.  We were now treading the floor of that illustrious chamber, the House of Commons.  This house is of similar design to the Lords and contains just as many lobbies.  Mr. Grenfell, "Father of the House", was working in the voting lobby, but he greeted us as we passed by.  The voting system in the Commons differs from the Lords and therefore necessitates this lobby.  Mrs. Slater, ever helpful, explained all this clearly.  The Chamber of this House lacked the splendour of the Lords, in the absence of the Throne and Woolsack.  We didn't notice any damage done by the fire from Mr. Bevan.  Westminster Hall was soon reached.  This great barn surprised me because I had imagined an inviting community hall with a wooden not slab stone floor.  A small church, St. Stephens, lies to one side of the Hall.  Mrs. Slater led the way into its wonderfully but over decorated nave.  The marvellously vaulted ceiling which was gaily designed had at one time been whitewashed by the regicide Cromwell.  Only members of the Houses are allowed to hold ceremonies in this Church.  Soon after, we paid a visit to the rather cold terrace on the bank of the Thames where we were photographed.  Lunch-time was drawing near




when we left the Houses after making arrangements for another visit in the afternoon.  We lunched at the "Corner House" again, but this time ordered our food warily.


            Our meeting with Mrs. Slater had been arranged for 3 o'clock, so we spent an hour visiting various places of interest.  A rather repulsive Buckingham Palace was reached via St. James' Park where we met great numbers of uncomfortable-looking business men in bowler hats and much-starched collars and carrying tightly rolled umbrellas.  At Whitehall, the Foot Guards surprised us by their clumsiness.  In the age of atomic warfare, how can the British Army afford to neglect its footdrill ?  This however may may be put down to the comfortless miltary uniforms.  Our reunion followed outside the Houses and we entered to watch the Speaker's procession, which comprised half-a-dozen men traditionally dressed in black gowns and breeches.  After the procession our party divided into two, Mr. Potts and two boys leaving to visit the Science Museum.  The rest of us, after signing a confession, went to the balcony of the chamber of the House of Lords.  Here our confessions were exchanged for a programme of the day's notices.


            The informality of the debate surprised us, for the proceedings resembled more those of a cosy debating club.  At the start, the chairman began to read the first bill to a House numbering a dozen, but before he completed it the House increased to about 20, as the proceedings continued more Lords strolled in whilst others left.  On the front row of the Opposition benches, I noticed two motionless forms with their feet on the Dispatch boxes which stand on the central table.  After a time however, one figure whom I later concluded to be a somnabulist went for a walk round the chamber before returning to his companion.  The drowsy atmosphere began to affect some of our boys and owing to lack of sleep on the previous night, they followed the example set by the lords.  Lord Dundee showed great interest in the "Crofters Bill" and made many useful suggestions.  This state of affairs lasted for an hour during which time the Lords made frequent journeys outside the Chamber.  We left at 4 o'clock and Mrs. Slater invited us to tea in the Dining Hall.  After thanking our kind hostess we rushed to the tube train, and after an underground tour of London we reached Euston where we found Mr. Potts with his foot under the wheel of the engine in an attempt to hold it back until our arrival.  This effort was in vain, however, because we were compelled to catch the later train.




            On the 5-15 train I attempted to get some much needed sleep.  But after 4 hours I was awakened at Stafford Station because of changing trains.  We clanked our way from Stafford in carriages decorated with articles familar to the farmer and we were asked by a passing pedestrian where the sheep section was.  Soon after arriving at Stoke we made our individual ways home after a most enjoyable day.  Mrs. Slater deserves many thanks for her amiability and helpfulness.  Mr. F. E. Taylor, the organiser, is thanked by the party for making the experience possible.  We all learned a great deal and gained another experience to remember.


N. H. Jones     





            The word "Automation is a clumsy and unpleasing contraction of "Automatic Production."  It implies the operation of factories by robot machines but these are not, as in popular fiction, moving monsters of gleaming steel.  They are delicately controlled electronic machines.  Their introduction into industry ushers in a second Industrial Revolution which may lead to even more hostility than did the 19th Century Industrial revolution.  Then, the workers found that mechanisation had its weaknesses, and so may this modern revolution be found to bring trouble with it. 


            Mass unemployment could develop if automation is introduced and allowed to run its course without control.  A handful of men could bring nation-wide chaos.  Automation could run Meaford Power Station with a staff of perhaps half-a-dozen men watching flickering lights and moving pointers.  But remember, that if 3 of these men came out on strike, North Staffordshire would be disrupted.  Reserve teams might be the answer or even laws making strikes illegal might be unavoidable.


            Automation is already being developed in many parts of the world.  Factories without workers may soon be the rule rather than the exception and all the visitor would see would be photo-electric cells and rows of electronic control panels.  The operator will sit, pushing in the buttons and he will be the 20th Century clock watcher, a new slant on an




old job.  In America, factories are already operating on these lines and a variety of goods is being produced.  We do not know what is happening in Russia, but if their development of atomic power is any guide; then they, too, will be making rapid strides in the development of this latest industrial practice.  And what of this country ?  If we are to maintain our place in the world of industry, we, too, must develop on these lines.


            The danger is undoubtedly the human one and the very roots of industry, the Trade Unions, must have a policy to deal with industrial disputes which may develop as a result of Automation.  Handled properly, it can mean that man will no longer have to do back-breaking labour, but will draw wages for work done by the machines.


            On the social side, it will mean much more leisure for everyone and men and women will have more time for sports and hobbies.  Education will have to play its part and boys and girls will have to be educated so that they will be able to employ their spare time as actual participants in sport or worth-while activities.  There will be an even greater need for highly trained scientists and technicians than there is today and without any doubt at all technical education will be the most important branch of education.


            It must not not be forgotten that although these electronic machines can, once they are started, operate many processes, and even do calculations which would take a first-class mathematician several days to do, yet these same machines cannot think and cannot, of themselves, originate anything.  They could be the operating forces in a war, which unlike former wars, would require no fighting men.  But again they must be brought into use by the brains of men and surely no sane men would ever bring about their own destruction, for that surely is what a war of automation would result in.


            We can only conclude with the thought that, as in all inventions, of the past, the good or evil which will come from Automation is the good or evil which is in man himself.


G. Mould     






            During the Summer holidays a school party was taken on the Continent by Mr. Twyford and Mr. Clifford.  It had been decided to visit some part of France, and after a short meeting of the people concerned, it was decided to make our headquarters at Parame, a small coastal resort in Brittany.


            It was about noon on July 20th when the party left Stoke Station for the first leg of the journey to London.  We crossed London from Euston to Waterloo where we took train to Southampton.  After an 11 hour night crossing of the Channel, we saw in the bright morning sun the beautiful French coast and harbour of St. Malo.


            Parame lies about a mile along the coast from St. Malo and after this short journey by bus we arrived at our destination.  To many of our party this was the first time of visiting a foreign country and our first impressions of Parame were very agreeable.  It certainly matched up to our anticipations.  The promenade, along with the sparkling sea and golden beach looked an attractive setting and in spite of our long journey, many of us had a good look round on the first day.  Our impressions of French food were high after the first meal, in spite of a few unusual table manners which we soon corrected at the next opportunity.


            During the next few days of our stay, the party was able to see by short trips, the surrounding countryside of Parame.  A notable journey was to Dinard, a large shopping centre.  Mont St. Michel proved, as anticipated, a place full of interest.  These two excursions, along with a visit to Dinan, widened our knowledge of this area of Brittany.  There was of course a great deal of pleasure in spending our time in Parame,  with an occasional visit to St. Malo.  Bathing was a very attractive pastime, while many hours were spent in and out of the shops of Parame and St. Malo, which held plenty of interest for all.  The hotel in which we were staying, the Hotel Alexandra, gave us full satisfaction with its many facilities, which included a miniature golf course.


            It was all so enjoyable that the time passed very quickly and before long, it was time to leave.  Our final glimpses of the beach and hotel reflected all the pleasure we had had in our stay.  At 9-15 p.m. on July 26th the party embarked for Southampton and home.


            We thank Mr. Twyford and Mr. Clifford, for organising this most successful party.

E. Grund and J. Oakes     




            Last Summer I went to Italy and stayed on the outskirts of a small town called Spressianno, which is 28 miles from Venice.


            In Venice I saw many interesting things.  On the canals they have small boats for means of transport called gondolas.  In the main square there are hundreds of pigeons which fly to the church dome when the clock strikes.  Over a small canal there is a bridge called "The Bridge of Sighs."  This bridge leads through to the dungeons and gets its name because many men have walked over it to be executed.


            You will agree with me that Italy is a very wonderful and interesting country and I hope to go there next year.

N. Beeston, Form 1.    



            We went by bus to London and flew from the London Central Airport to Basle in a viscount Airliner.  We had to wait 3 hours in Basle for the train, which when it arrived, had two electric engines.  It took us eight hours to reach Milan.


            We had dinner in the Station restaurant at Milan.  Instead of tea there was wine and the fish which we had still had its eyes in it.


            From Milan we went on to Rimini by train and this took us a further eight and a half hours.


            The food was very strange.  For Breakfast we had rolls and coffee and for dinner on the first day we had some things which looked like bows off ladies' frocks.  Everything was cooked in oil.


            Rimini is surrounded by a wall and has a population of about 45,000 people.  It has an archway called St. Augustine's Arch.  We went to Arrezzo War Cemetery to see where my uncle is buried.  He was killed in the battle of Rimini Ridge.  We also visited San Marino which is a little country inside Italy and has 3 towns and a population of 5,000.


            On our way back we passed through the St. Gothard Pass which is nearly 13 miles long.

A. Beamon, Form 1    




            My family goes to Hamburg every year for about 5 weeks.  The main station is the Haupt-Bahn-Hof where we alighted from the coach and walked through a large tunnel under the railway lines to the U-bahn.  We go to the Landungsbruken.

            Hamburg has a population of about two million.  The town centre has practically been rebuilt and there is a new bridge called Lambarts bruke.  The shipyard of Blomen and Voss has begun to work again after severe bombing during the war and the neighbouring firm of Howaldwerke has recently built the biggest tanker called Al-malik-suad-al-awal.  The town centre round the Bunnen Alster is a very fine sight, especially at night when there are illuminations.  Like other towns in Germany, Hamburg has a Woolworth's.

            Rebuilding on the outskirts has just begun and bulldozers are clearing away rubble which has been there since 1945.

            The meals in Germany are different from those in this country.  For breakfast the Germans have rolls of bread and coffee.  For dinner they have much the same as us.  They have a light tea in the mid afternoon and then have nothing until supper.  The German sausage is quite different and some examples are Leberwurst, and Knackwurst.

            There are few buses in Germany but many trams.

Evitts, Form 1.    



O L D     B O Y S


            We are pleased to report that D. Knight and R. W. Simpson have obtained degrees during the recent year.  Knight was awarded the B.A. degree at Bristol University and Simpson, the B.A. degree at Keele.  Simpson has been ill for several months and we hope that we shall have better news from him soon.

            I. J. Maddox is now in his second year at Keele and we are pleased to include a letter from him in this magazine.

            B. Jones and J. L. Baker left us in the Summer and are now at Sheffield University.

            F. K. Groom is now at Cheltenham Training College, G. H. Hollingworth is at Alsager Training College and H. Slann has joined Ridge as a full time student at the North Staffs. Technical College.



            We congratulate J. J. Buffey, D. J. hammond, G. C. Maxfield, R. Martin and Degg who gained prizes at the R.O.F. Radway Green.  Degg won the award as the best apprentice of the year.


            At the North Staffs. Technical College the following Old Boys have gained the Higher National Certificate  :---Mechanical : M. Haslehurst,  G. W. Hughes,  D. A. Johnson,  J. M. Leese,  L. J. Meredith,  W. Webster,  W. Wilkinson,  K. Archer,  R. Austin,  C. Barker,  J. A. Colclough;  Production : M. Parkes,  G. F. Smith,  F. Briggs;  Mechanical & Production : J. Orgill (distinction in both);  Electrical : R. C. Dayson,  R. Branford,  A. G. Burgess.


            On 11th November, the "English Electric" annual presentation of indentures and awards took place in the Borough Hall, Stafford.  Brigadier Sir John Hunt made the presentations.  Among the recipients were the following Old Boys  :---R. A. Smith,  G. Smith,  J. P. Wright,  F. D. Shaw  and  J. D. Chadwick.


            We were pleased to receive a letter from John Gilbert on his experiences in Canada and we should like him to know how pleased we were to hear that he had been chosen for the trip.


            We include an article by D. Basnett on the Cerammic Research Association.  This follows Maxfield's letter from Radway Green published in our last magazine.


            The Old Boys' Association continues to meet at intervals.  The last meeting took place in November, when the officials for the year were elected as follows :---Chairman : A. Hubble; Secretary : P. roberts; Treasurer : H. Slann.


            The Old Boys' match will take place on Saturday morning, 28th January, 1956.


            The next meeting will take place on Friday evening, 6th January, 1956.  It has been arranged early in the year so that it can be attended by all those members who are normally prevented from doing so by evening classes.


            For the first time, sons of Old Boys have entered the school.  N. D. Beeston and D. J. James are both second generation Technical School boys.


            We ask all Old Boys to keep us informed of their activities.  Let us have news for this column.


            We all offer our sympathy to Millington who was recently involved in a most distressing car accident.  Millington left us only in July, and was probably the best swimmer we have had.  We wish him a speedy recovery.






            I was chosen, along with 10 other boys to represent North Staffs. at the Scout Jamboree.  There were 1,000 boys going to Canada from the United Kingdom and a total attendance of 11,000 boys from over 60 countries.  They were all making for one place, Niagra-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, the site our Canadian hosts had chosen for the Jamboree.  Our contingent from North Staffs. joined the Southerners of our country at Manchester Ringway Airport for the start of our air journey to Toronto, Canada.  The air journey I will not describe, only to mention that we stopped at Belfast to pick up a load of Irish boys, at Kelflavic, Iceland, where we were chilled to the marrow by the sharp coldness and at Gander, Newfoundland, a country of lakes and coniferous forests.


            On arrival in Toronto we stepped out of the plane to be welcomed by a large crowd of people and a sun that blazed from a clear sky, to send the temperature to 100 degrees in the shade.  We were sent to the homes of Canadians who had asked if they could have us as their guests for a week after the Jamboree was over.  The next morning we were taken to Toronto docks, where we boarded the steamer for a trip of 4 hours, over Lake Ontario and up the Niagra river to the camp site.


            Here we were again given a great reception by Scouts from all parts of the world.  We set up our camp and for the first day settled in and met our neighbours, on one side American, the other side Canadian and in front French.  The 2nd day we had a magnificient parade to open the Jamboree and ended up in the Great Arena which held 10,000 people from America and Canada.  Here we listened to speeches from Lord Rowallan, our Chief scout, and Lady Baden-Powell.  The temperature had now gone up to 110 degrees and where we were standing exposed to the sun, it was something like 125 degrees.  We felt warm!  After these formalities we were



glad to settle down to camp routine.  I said "settle down" but it was far from that; we had to try to make ourselves understood by a dozen different ways of speech, including Arabic.  Luckily, there were interpreters with all parties.  During this period we had shows and camp fires presented in the Arena by every nation.  The U.S.A. staged spectacular shows, costing lots of dollars but the English show was the one everyone talked about for days and it cost nothing to produce.  With all these attractions, the days in camp passed quickly and we soon reached the last 2 days, when we visited at last the great falls of Niagra.  The true glory of these magnificent falls cannot be imagined from photographs.  We got back at 12 midnight and as I was cook, I was up till 1 o'clock, cutting sandwiches in preparation for a trip to the Canadian National Exhibition.  After 1 hour's sleep, I was up to give the rest their breakfast and we were nearly into Toronto before dawn.  Here we stood for 3 hours before parading for miles round the city and then being pushed about by thousands of people visiting the biggest Annual Exhibition in the world.  We arrived back at midnight once again and I was nearly asleep on my feet.


            After one final parade we broke camp and went back to Toronto to spend a few days with our Canadian host.  They did everything for us, we could take the car any day and go anywhere within about 200 miles of the house.  A journey like this was possible in about 2½ hours for no one travels below 50 m.p.h. and the average speed is about 75 m.p.h.


            We bathed and lazed about for the most part, but we also went sailing, square dancing and shopping.  We also attended a very enlightening teenage party which a swimming club arranged for us.  All too soon we had to leave Canada and board the plane for England.  We sorrowfully discarded jeans, check shirts, yellow socks and moccasins for our uniforms and said good-bye to a wonderful country which we shall never forget.


J. Gilbert    






            That a letter from an Old Boy of Stanfield should find a place in the Annual Magazine, gratifies me deeply.  I have unfortunately been unable to maintain any close contact with the School since I left primarily because of the requirements imposed by a rather strenuous degree course.


            Now we all know that a number of my contemporaries are at the Universities, but I feel that my particular position affords some possibility for original comment on a kind of University life which differs quite appreciably from that of most provincial Universities.  An all-residential plan is, so far as I know, unique.  Its purpose is to foster a closer contact between students of various disciplines and I think it succeeds as well as it might.  Another feature which constitutes an integral part of the course is the "Foundation Year."  Without writing an essay, which would be undesirable here, I cannot account either for the place or the value of the "Foundation Year" in degree studies.  Needless to say, it does offer unusual opportunities for wide reading in fields outside of the fairly specialized ones in which the final degree will be taken.


            Essentially then, the difference between the course at Keele and the other English Universities lies in the wider general education and the more closely integrated University society.  It must not be thought, however, that I have had the temerity to suggest that the course here is any better than that at other Universities, I merely say that the idea behind the whole system is a good one.


            The extent to which a student enters into the spirit of a wider general education, as always, depends on the student.  To avoid undue prolixity I must not, I fear, digress on students' inability to appreciate what is offered to them.


            A word about my own course might be a suitable word to finish on, a word to conclude a letter I have been pleased to write.  As a 2nd year student I attend some 9 lectures a week in mathematics, 3 lectures in physics with 6 hours laboratory work, 2 lectures and a tutorial in English Literature and 2 lectures in chemistry with 3 hours laboratory work.  This very full programme leaves little time for private study; the vacation furnishing the opportunity for this.


            Concluding, I should like to wish the pupils and the staff every success in the future, a success which will, I feel, culminate in the School becoming the best in the city.

Yours sincerely,

Ivor J. Maddox     





            In 1947 the British Pottery Research Association and the British Refractory Research Association amalgamated to form the British Ceramic Research Association, B. Ceram. R.A. for short.


            The official opening of the new Research Station at Penkhull by the Duke of Edinburgh in 1951 marked one of the biggest steps forward in the progress of ceramic research.


            Ceramics embrace pottery, china, electrical porcelain, bricks, tiles and the refractories, and the Association carries out research for all these industries and also research in fuel technology, kilns and firing, steam power and engineering.


            The nature of the research necessitates both a scientific and technical approach and the work involves the use of apparatus ranging from an electron microscope to a measuring cylinder.


            Old Boys are represented in most sections of the B. Ceram. R.A.  Both technical and scientific qualifications held by Old Boys of the School include B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., Grad.M.I.Prod.E., and L.I. Ceram.  A variety of courses are taken by the younger members of the staff on a part-time basis at the North Staffs. Technical College.   Several are studying for the Ceramic Diploma, a 5 year course in which chemistry and physics up to degree standard, ceramics and mathematics are the principal subjects.  The Diploma is a big step towards becoming a member of the newly formed Institute of Ceramics.  Other courses are Applied Physics and Engineering and several Old Stanfield Boys are taking Ordinary National or Higher National courses with a view to becomming members of such institutes as the Institution of physics or the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.  These qualifications naturally command respect and at present 4 Old Boys at the B. Ceram. R.A. hold the positions respectively of Senior Technical Officer, Technical Officer, Scientific officer and Photographer.  Others have obtained appointments in industry.


            There is an increasing need in the ceramic industry for qualified technologists and scientists for both research and factory control and at the B. Ceram. R.A. the Old Boys of the School are well represented.  It seems likely that an even greater representation will exist in the future as a result of the increasing proportion of Old Boys who have recently joined the staff and now, with the help and advice of qualified members of the staff, are studying for one of the many qualifications which can be obtained by the ambitious.

 D. Basnett     


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