From the 1967 school magazine "The Review"

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When I was thinking about school magazines in general, a few minutes ago, it struck me how silent they are. Would it be better if they gave way to School Parcels instead ? A School Parcel could contain some gramophone records of work and play, some spools of film showing the events of the year, some photographs of this and that and a box of school dinner. There is an alternative vision. Perhaps one day our glorious scientists (ex-inmates of 2B ?) may produce books with words and pictures such that the words speak themselves and the pictures move for a minute or so.
Until that happy day, however, you will have to be content with this compendium of achievements, results, news, poetry, art and literary expression. We hope, as contributors and editor, that the mixture is digestible. Some school magazines we receive concentrate on the year's events and others (mostly from girls' schools) rely entirely on new poetry, art and fresh writing. Both sorts have their merits, depending on whether you want the magazine to be a diary or a festival, but neither seems to fulfil the purpose of a school magazine as we see it.
You therefore have a little bit of this and a little bit of that. If you read it to the imaginary accompaniment of guzzled milk, strains of a quartet in the MI Room, the frog-like scraping of chairs in the hall and disgusting smells from the Chemistry Lab., you can recall at your ease the sort of life we lead. And those are things you would never think of putting on tape or film.

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