Memories of a school trip to Norway in 1969 or 1970 by David Underwood.
There is no mention of it in the 1969 Review - which is the last we have in the archive. That makes 1970 a more likely date.
I have no photos only memories which are at best vague but could be inaccurate, anyway here goes….
A coach from school…Hollinsheads I think….any connection to Clive? (diddyman)
our form master.
On then to Newcastle on Tyne “ferry“ port looking up at huge ship…overnight to Bergen. We were bunked in the bowels of the ship with the constant throbbing
of the engine and Rob (Wilco) Wilkinson) high jinx. Queuing for breakfast people were fainting or being sick over the side of the ship.
I seem to remember a cable car ride, seeing a glacier (Trondheim)?
Hopefully someone can fill in the gaps